理念 Our Principle

We human beings live together with the God within who took part of his original essence responsible for the creation of all living things and granted it equally to all human beings. The source of God, which we call conscience, is truth and beyond good or bad. It is complete righteousness and complete harmony. It has the Will to create all things and is a presence which gives life to us all.
Our inner God comes from the source of God, and inherits the same divine qualities. We have been designed as godlike beings with the presence of inner God within our Divine Soul. However man over a long period of time forgot the presence of their inner God and came to seek help and dependency on outer entities. It is time to realize the presence which grants us life, to realize life which has been granted to us and to realize the significance of why we have been granted life.
The Movement for the Revival of Spirituality means to “live one’s life with lofty values as a human being who recognizes the presence of the God within resonating at the core of their Divine Soul. It is a movement to revert back to the essence of universal creation which designed us as a godlike existence. The inner God which exists within each and every one is love itself. When we love our inner God, we are also loving our whole being.
As we love our own inner God, do attempt as well to love the inner God of others which has likewise divided from the source of God. To love the inner God of others, is to love the source of God, who gave birth to all of creation.
These acts lead us to manifest true world peace by transcending religion, ideologies, people and race. I earnestly hope you will understand the significance behind the “Living with Inner God – A Movement for the Revival of Spirituality” and lend us your support.
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